Sample Dating Profile, Female

I am a single women, age 32, with a degree in Finance and an active career as a Finance Manager with a mid-size company.  I have been dating on and off for years, and I have yet to meet Mr. Right.  My standards do not include personal appearance, a large home and with a six figure income.

I am seeking a relationship with someone who truly enjoys the simple things in life like a walk through the woods on a warm spring day, a good movie, a summer BBQ, or a good play.  I have always believed that the simple things are often overlooked because we sometimes seek happiness in all the wrong places.

I am very caring, compassionate and enjoy volunteering at skilled nursing homes and reading to seniors.  I believe in giving back to others and finding their joy in making others happy.  I ask for very little, and I prefer to give rather than receive.  My favorite holiday is Christmas because for that brief moment, people put all of their stress aside and remember what is truly important in life.